For an assignment I was supposed to cover the first semi-final match in the Inter-Collegiate Football Championship. Coincidentally this was my first-ever live football match. Honestly there weren't many expectations attached, probably due to my obsession for cricket.

Knowing that in Jammu, ‘bat’ is given
utmost priority while other sports are considered inferio, I tried to find reasons
behind such a bias. I interacted with the officials,players and their
supporters. A group of players tried to narrate the real scenario.
According to them, quality infrastructure in the city is missing.
And the grounds at their disposal aren't maintained properly by the authorities. For
the players there are no facilities of locker rooms, water tanks etc available
on the grounds. Most of the time, due to religious functions and national
holidays like Independence Day, these grounds are hired by the authorities
concerned and the players are left disappointed.
The players complain about the lack of exposure. Not many
tournaments are organised by the sports department. According to sources, last
national match played was in 2012 between Mohun Began and J&K. The football
players feel that the government as well as the authorities concerned should at
least make an effort to upgrade the infrastructure, promote the game and
further request the parents to encourage and support their children towards the
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